
Selection Interactions (XamSpreadsheet)


This topic explains what actions can be performed by the user when selecting worksheet cells.

Required background

The following table lists the concept and topics required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

Type Content


Infragistics Excel Engine

Topic Purpose

In this section you will find information that will help you to better understand the object model and the functionalities of the Infragistics Excel Engine .

This topic explains in details the features of the XamSpreadsheet control from developer perspective.

This topic provides an overview of the visual elements of the XamSpreadsheet control.

This topic explains what action can be performed by the user when navigating through the worksheet cells.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


Selection summary

The XamSpreadsheet control supports the following selection modes: Normal

In this mode new selection range is created each time the user is dragging the mouse or navigating via the keyboard and replaces any existing selection. New selection ranges may be added via the mouse while holding the Ctrl key. ExtendedSelection

The selection range is only one and it is enclosed between the active cell and the cell selected by the mouse or navigating the keyboard. The user may use the mouse while holding the Ctrl key to move the active cell. AddToSelection

New cell ranges are added without the need of holding the Control key. The user may click on cell(s) to add it (them) to the current selection.

The following screenshot shows the XamSpreadsheet control in normal selection mode with three selection ranges. The first two ranges are on the 2nd and 4th row. The 3rd selection range occupies columns E and F and rows 7 through 9 and has the active cell at address E7.

xamSpreadsheet 02.png

User Interactions and Usability

User interactions summary chart

The following table summarizes the user interaction capabilities of the XamSpreadsheet control.

The user can… Using… Details Configurable?

Select a single cell

  • Click on it

  • Press Shift + Arrow key

A single cell will be selected (it will be also the active cell).

Select a range of cells

  • Click the start cell and drag

  • Hold the Shift key pressed and select cells with Arrow keys

A range of cells will be selected. The cell from which the user starts the selection range will be the active cell.

Select several cells/cell ranges

Hold Control key pressed while selecting cells/cell ranges

Use the steps described in the previous two table rows to add single cell or multiple cell ranges to the current selection.

Enter/Exit ExtendedSelection mode

Press F8

This key combination will toggle between Normal and ExtendedSelection modes.


Enter/Exit AddToSelection mode

Press Shift + F8

This key combination will toggle between Normal and AddToSelection modes.


If the user has more than one worksheet selected and perform selection in the active worksheet all other selected worksheets will get the same selection and subsequent operations will be executed over all selected worksheets.

Related Content

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic explains how to configure the selection feature.

This topic explains the selection feature from developer perspective.