
Iterate through the Records Collection

The DataPresenter family of controls exposes a Records collection that contains the root-level DataRecord or GroupByRecord objects. Each DataRecord object and GroupByRecord object exposes a ChildRecords collection that contains its child records. You can iterate through this nested structure of records using a recursive method; however, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of records you may encounter.


A GroupByRecord object represents a grouping of records.

Each GroupByRecord object exposes a ChildRecords collection that can contain either DataRecord objects or GroupByRecord objects but not both.


A DataRecord object represents a data item in your data source. For example, if you are binding to a collection of Customer items, each DataRecord object represents a single Customer item in your collection.

Each DataRecord object exposes a ChildRecords collection that contains ExpandableFieldRecord objects.


An ExpandableFieldRecord object represents a property of your data item that returns a nested collection of objects. For example, if you are binding to a collection of customer data items that expose an Orders collection, the ExpandableFieldRecord object represents the Orders collection property.

Each ExpandableFieldRecord object exposes a ChildRecords collection that contains DataRecord objects.

The following example code demonstrates how to iterate through the records collection.

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter
'You can call the IterateRecords method using the following line of code:
Public Sub IterateRecords(ByVal records As RecordCollectionBase)
    For Each rec As Record In records
        If rec.RecordType = RecordType.GroupByField OrElse rec.RecordType = RecordType.GroupByFieldLayout Then
            Dim groupRecord As GroupByRecord = DirectCast(rec, GroupByRecord)
            'TODO: Add logic to process the group by record
            If groupRecord.HasChildren Then
            End If
        ElseIf rec.RecordType = RecordType.DataRecord Then
            Dim dataRecord As DataRecord = DirectCast(rec, DataRecord)
            'TODO: Add logic to process the data record
            If dataRecord.HasChildren Then
            End If
        ElseIf rec.RecordType = RecordType.ExpandableFieldRecord Then
            Dim expandableRecord As ExpandableFieldRecord = DirectCast(rec, ExpandableFieldRecord)
            'TODO: Add logic to process the expandable field record
            If expandableRecord.HasChildren Then
            End If
        End If
End Sub

In C#:

using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter;
//You can call the IterateRecords method using the following line of code:
public void IterateRecords(RecordCollectionBase records)
    foreach (Record rec in records)
        if (rec.RecordType == RecordType.GroupByField || rec.RecordType == RecordType.GroupByFieldLayout)
            GroupByRecord groupRecord = (GroupByRecord)rec;
            //TODO: Add logic to process the group by record
            if (groupRecord.HasChildren)
        else if (rec.RecordType == RecordType.DataRecord)
            DataRecord dataRecord = (DataRecord)rec;
            //TODO: Add logic to process the data record
            if (dataRecord.HasChildren)
        else if (rec.RecordType == RecordType.ExpandableFieldRecord)
            ExpandableFieldRecord expandableRecord = (ExpandableFieldRecord)rec;
            //TODO: Add logic to process the expandable field record
            if (expandableRecord.HasChildren)