
Configuring Custom Calendars for xamGantt

Topic Overview


This topics describes how you can create your custom calendar class and use it with xamGantt .

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic describes how you can add the xamGantt control to a page.

Custom Calendars Introduction


You can use your custom calendar class with xamGantt ListBackedProject. ListBackedProject is a project that obtains the task information from a specified TaskItemsSource. In order to use custom calendars, you set the CalendarItemsSource and CalendarId properties of ListBackedProject.

The table below summarizes the main properties of ListBackedProject when used with custom calendars:

Property Description

This property gets or sets a collection used to provide the mappings from the properties in the items of the CalendarItemsSource to properties on the ProjectCalendar.


This property gets or sets the collection that provides the calendar information.


This property gets or sets the string for the unique id of the calendar. If you have multiple calendars in CalendarItemsSource collection, you can use this property to specify which of them is the calendar in use.

This property gets or sets the UTC start date for the project. If it is not set, project will use its defaults, which are today’s date at 8:00 AM.

The Start will be set by project scheduling engine if the IsScheduledFromStart is set to false.

This property gets or sets the UTC finish date for the project.

When the IsScheduledFromStart is true, which is the default value, the Finish will be set to the calculated finish for the project.

Calendar Property Mapping

Usage of CalendarPropertyMapping consist of setting a ProjectCalendarPropertyMapping objects. ProjectCalendarPropertyMapping contains information regarding specific field in the data source, specified by CalendarItemsSource and which property of the ProjectCalendar objects it maps to.

The property of the ProjectCalendar object is identified by the CalendarProperty, and the field in the data source is identified by the DataObjectProperty.

Calendar property values Description


This indicates that field set in Data Object Property will be mapped to BaseCalendarId property of the ProjectCalendar.


This indicates that field set in Data Object Property will be mapped to DaysOfWeek property of the ProjectCalendar.


This indicates that field set in Data Object Property will be mapped to DisplayName property of the ProjectCalendar.


This indicates that field set in Data Object Property will be mapped to Exceptions property of the ProjectCalendar.


This indicates that field set in Data Object Property will be mapped to IsBaseCalendar property of the ProjectCalendar.


This indicates that field set in Data Object Property will be mapped to UniqueId property of the ProjectCalendar.


This indicates that field set in Data Object Property will be mapped to WorkWeeks property of the ProjectCalendar.


Usage of custom calendars is affected by start date of the project. If you do not set the start time, the default one, today’s date at 8:00 AM is used. For example, if you create a custom calendar and its working time start earlier than 8:00 AM, let’s say 7:00 AM and you use auto-scheduled tasks, the first task will start not from 7:00 AM, but from 8:00 AM.

Code Example: Creating a Custom Calendar


This code example creates two instances of custom calendar class and set them as CalendarItemSource of a ListBackedProject. By setting the CalendarId property the second calendar is made the current project calendar.

In code example is included collection of tasks in order to show how they account the calendar in use.


To complete the code example, you should have a xamGantt project. You can follow the instructions in Adding xamGantt to a Page in order to create sample xamGantt project.

Then you need to change the project a little bit. The following classes should be present:

  • CustomCalendar. To see the complete code for this class, please refer to the CustomCalendar CodeExample.

  • CustomTask. To see the complete code for this class, please refer to the CustomTask CodeExample.

  • And then you have to replace the mark-up and theViewModel with those ones shown in this topic.


This is a preview of completed sample project. For Monday, Wednesday and Friday the working time is from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM with one hour break between 11:00 AM and 12:00 AM, and for Tuesday and Thursday the working time is from 9:00 AM to 6:00 AM, with an one hour break between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM.

xamGantt Configuring Custom Calendars for xamGantt 1.png



            <local:CustomCalendarViewModel x:Key="dc" />
            <Binding Source="{StaticResource dc}" />
        <ig:XamGantt x:Name="xamGantt">
                <ig:ListBackedProject TaskItemsSource="{Binding Tasks}" CalendarItemsSource="{Binding Calendars}"
                                      CalendarId="C2" Start="{Binding Today}">
                        <ig:ProjectTaskPropertyMapping TaskProperty="DataItemId" DataObjectProperty="DataItemId" />
                        <ig:ProjectTaskPropertyMapping TaskProperty="TaskName" DataObjectProperty="TaskName" />
                        <ig:ProjectTaskPropertyMapping TaskProperty="Start" DataObjectProperty="Start" />
                        <ig:ProjectTaskPropertyMapping TaskProperty="Duration" DataObjectProperty="Duration" />
                        <ig:ProjectTaskPropertyMapping TaskProperty="Tasks" DataObjectProperty="Tasks" />
                        <ig:ProjectTaskPropertyMapping TaskProperty="Predecessors" DataObjectProperty="Predecessors" />
                        <ig:ProjectTaskPropertyMapping TaskProperty="ConstraintDate" DataObjectProperty="ConstraintDate" />
                        <ig:ProjectTaskPropertyMapping TaskProperty="ConstraintType" DataObjectProperty="ConstraintType" />
                        <ig:ProjectTaskPropertyMapping TaskProperty="DurationFormat" DataObjectProperty="DurationFormat" />
                        <ig:ProjectCalendarPropertyMapping CalendarProperty="UniqueId" DataObjectProperty="Id" />
                        <ig:ProjectCalendarPropertyMapping CalendarProperty="DaysOfWeek" DataObjectProperty="DaysOfWeek" />
                        <ig:ProjectCalendarPropertyMapping CalendarProperty="DisplayName" DataObjectProperty="DisplayName" />

In C#:

 public class CustomCalendarViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        private ObservableCollection<CustomCalendar> calendars;
        private ObservableCollection<CustomTask> tasks;
        public ObservableCollection<CustomCalendar> Calendars
                if (calendars == null)
                    calendars = GenerateCustomCalendars();
                return calendars;
            set { calendars = value; }
        public ObservableCollection<CustomTask> Tasks
                if (tasks == null)
                    tasks = GenerateCustomTasks();
                return tasks;
            set { tasks = value; }
        public DateTime Today
            get { return DateTime.Today; }
        private ObservableCollection<CustomTask> GenerateCustomTasks()
            return new ObservableCollection<CustomTask>()
                        new CustomTask { DataItemId = "t1", TaskName = "Task 1", Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(8), DurationFormat = "Days" },
                new CustomTask { DataItemId = "t2", TaskName = "Task 2", Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(24), Predecessors = "t1", DurationFormat = "ElapsedDays" },
                        new CustomTask { DataItemId = "t3", TaskName = "Task 3", Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(8), Predecessors = "t2", DurationFormat = "Days" },
                        new CustomTask { DataItemId = "t4", TaskName = "Task 4", Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(48), Predecessors = "t3", DurationFormat = "ElapsedDays" },
                        new CustomTask { DataItemId = "t5", TaskName = "Task 5", Duration = TimeSpan.FromDays(1), Predecessors = "t4", DurationFormat = "Days" },
                new CustomTask { DataItemId = "t6", TaskName = "Task 6", Duration = TimeSpan.FromDays(1), Predecessors = "t5", DurationFormat = "ElapsedDays" },
                new CustomTask { DataItemId = "t7", TaskName = "Task 7", Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(8), Predecessors = "t6", DurationFormat = "Days" },
                new CustomTask { DataItemId = "t8", TaskName = "Task 8", Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(8), Predecessors = "t7", DurationFormat = "ElapsedDays" }
        #region Private helper methods
        private ObservableCollection<CustomCalendar> GenerateCustomCalendars()
            return new ObservableCollection<CustomCalendar>()
                new CustomCalendar
                    Id = "C1",
                    Name = "Calendar 1",
                                                      <DaySettings IsWorkday=""false"" />
                                                      <DaySettings IsWorkday=""true"">
                                                                        <TimeRange Start=""PT8H"" End=""PT12H"" />
                                                                        <TimeRange Start=""PT13H"" End=""PT17H"" />
                    CustomDescription = "This custom calendar has a Monday as a nonworking day and Saturday as a working day"
                new CustomCalendar
                    Id = "C2",
                    Name = "Calendar 2",
                    DaysOfWeek = @"
                                                      <DaySettings IsWorkday=""true"">
                                                                        <TimeRange Start=""PT7H"" End=""PT11H"" />
                                                                        <TimeRange Start=""PT12H"" End=""PT16H"" />
                                                      <DaySettings IsWorkday=""true"">
                                                                        <TimeRange Start=""PT9H"" End=""PT13H"" />
                                                                        <TimeRange Start=""PT14H"" End=""PT18H"" />
                                                      <DaySettings IsWorkday=""true"">
                                                                        <TimeRange Start=""PT7H"" End=""PT11H"" />
                                                                        <TimeRange Start=""PT12H"" End=""PT16H"" />
                                                      <DaySettings IsWorkday=""true"">
                                                                        <TimeRange Start=""PT9H"" End=""PT13H"" />
                                                                        <TimeRange Start=""PT14H"" End=""PT18H"" />
                                                      <DaySettings IsWorkday=""true"">
                                                                        <TimeRange Start=""PT7H"" End=""PT11H"" />
                                                                        <TimeRange Start=""PT12H"" End=""PT16H"" />
                CustomDescription = "This custom calendar sets the following working times: From 9:00to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00"
        #endregion // Private helper methods
        #region INotifyPropertyChanged
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        public void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
            if (PropertyChanged != null)
                PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
        #endregion // INotifyPropertyChanged

In Visual Basic:

Public Class CustomCalendarViewModel
      Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
      Private m_calendars As ObservableCollection(Of CustomCalendar)
      Private m_tasks As ObservableCollection(Of CustomTask)
      Public Property Calendars() As ObservableCollection(Of CustomCalendar)
                  If m_calendars Is Nothing Then
                        m_calendars = GenerateCustomCalendars()
                  End If
                  Return m_calendars
            End Get
                  m_calendars = value
            End Set
      End Property
      Public Property Tasks() As ObservableCollection(Of CustomTask)
                  If m_tasks Is Nothing Then
                        m_tasks = GenerateCustomTasks()
                  End If
                  Return m_tasks
            End Get
                  m_tasks = value
            End Set
      End Property
      Public ReadOnly Property Today() As DateTime
                  Return DateTime.Today
            End Get
      End Property
      Private Function GenerateCustomTasks() As ObservableCollection(Of CustomTask)
            Return New ObservableCollection(Of CustomTask)() With { _
                  New CustomTask() With { _
                        .DataItemId = "t1", _
                        .TaskName = "Task 1", _
                        .Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(8), _
                        .DurationFormat = "Days" _
                  }, _
                  New CustomTask() With { _
                        .DataItemId = "t2", _
                        .TaskName = "Task 2", _
                        .Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(24), _
                        .Predecessors = "t1", _
                        .DurationFormat = "ElapsedDays" _
                  }, _
                  New CustomTask() With { _
                        .DataItemId = "t3", _
                        .TaskName = "Task 3", _
                        .Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(8), _
                        .Predecessors = "t2", _
                        .DurationFormat = "Days" _
                  }, _
                  New CustomTask() With { _
                        .DataItemId = "t4", _
                        .TaskName = "Task 4", _
                        .Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(48), _
                        .Predecessors = "t3", _
                        .DurationFormat = "ElapsedDays" _
                  }, _
                  New CustomTask() With { _
                        .DataItemId = "t5", _
                        .TaskName = "Task 5", _
                        .Duration = TimeSpan.FromDays(1), _
                        .Predecessors = "t4", _
                        .DurationFormat = "Days" _
                  }, _
                  New CustomTask() With { _
                        .DataItemId = "t6", _
                        .TaskName = "Task 6", _
                        .Duration = TimeSpan.FromDays(1), _
                        .Predecessors = "t5", _
                        .DurationFormat = "ElapsedDays" _
                  }, _
                  New CustomTask() With { _
                        .DataItemId = "t7", _
                        .TaskName = "Task 7", _
                        .Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(8), _
                        .Predecessors = "t6", _
                        .DurationFormat = "Days" _
                  }, _
                  New CustomTask() With { _
                        .DataItemId = "t8", _
                        .TaskName = "Task 8", _
                        .Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(8), _
                        .Predecessors = "t7", _
                        .DurationFormat = "ElapsedDays" _
                  } _
      End Function
      #Region "Private helper methods"
      Private Function GenerateCustomCalendars() As ObservableCollection(Of CustomCalendar)
            Return New ObservableCollection(Of CustomCalendar)() With { _
                  New CustomCalendar() With { _
                        .Id = "C1", _
                        .Name = "Calendar 1", _
                        .DaysOfWeek = "<ScheduleDaysOfWeek><Monday><ScheduleDayOfWeek><DaySettings><DaySettings IsWorkday=""" /></DaySettings></ScheduleDayOfWeek></Monday><Saturday><ScheduleDayOfWeek><DaySettings><DaySettings IsWorkday=""true""><WorkingHours><WorkingHoursCollection><TimeRange Start=""PT8H"" End=""PT12H"" /><TimeRange Start=""PT13H"" End=""PT17H"" /></WorkingHoursCollection></WorkingHours></DaySettings></DaySettings></ScheduleDayOfWeek></Saturday></ScheduleDaysOfWeek>", _
                        .CustomDescription = "This custom calendar has a Monday as a nonworking day and Saturday as a working day" _
                  }, _
                  New CustomCalendar() With { _
                        .Id = "C2", _
                        .Name = "Calendar 2", _
                        .DaysOfWeek = "<ScheduleDaysOfWeek><Monday><ScheduleDayOfWeek><DaySettings><DaySettings IsWorkday=""true""><WorkingHours><WorkingHoursCollection><TimeRange Start=""PT7H"" End=""PT11H"" /><TimeRange Start=""PT12H"" End=""PT16H"" /></WorkingHoursCollection></WorkingHours></DaySettings></DaySettings></ScheduleDayOfWeek></Monday><Tuesday><ScheduleDayOfWeek><DaySettings><DaySettings IsWorkday=""true""><WorkingHours><WorkingHoursCollection><TimeRange Start=""PT9H"" End=""PT13H"" /><TimeRange Start=""PT14H"" End=""PT18H"" /></WorkingHoursCollection></WorkingHours></DaySettings></DaySettings></ScheduleDayOfWeek></Tuesday><Wednesday><ScheduleDayOfWeek><DaySettings><DaySettings IsWorkday=""true""><WorkingHours><WorkingHoursCollection><TimeRange Start=""PT7H"" End=""PT11H"" /><TimeRange Start=""PT12H"" End=""PT16H"" /></WorkingHoursCollection></WorkingHours></DaySettings></DaySettings></ScheduleDayOfWeek></Wednesday><Thursday><ScheduleDayOfWeek><DaySettings><DaySettings IsWorkday=""true""><WorkingHours><WorkingHoursCollection><TimeRange Start=""PT9H"" End=""PT13H"" /><TimeRange Start=""PT14H"" End=""PT18H"" /></WorkingHoursCollection></WorkingHours></DaySettings></DaySettings></ScheduleDayOfWeek></Thursday><Friday><ScheduleDayOfWeek><DaySettings><DaySettings IsWorkday=""true""><WorkingHours><WorkingHoursCollection><TimeRange Start=""PT7H"" End=""PT11H"" /><TimeRange Start=""PT12H"" End=""PT16H"" /></WorkingHoursCollection></WorkingHours></DaySettings></DaySettings></ScheduleDayOfWeek></Friday></ScheduleDaysOfWeek>", _
                        .CustomDescription = "This custom calendar sets the following working times: From 9:00to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00" _
                  } _
      End Function
      #End Region
      #Region "INotifyPropertyChanged"
      Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler
      Public Sub OnPropertyChanged(propertyName As String)
            RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName))
      End Sub
      #End Region
End Class

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic:

Topic Purpose

The topics in this group contain information about xamGantt Calendars.

This topic gives an overview of the main features of xamGantt Calendars. xamGantt makes time calculations using calendars.