
Please note that this control has been retired and is now obsolete to the XamDataGrid control, and as such, we recommend migrating to that control. It will not be receiving any new features, bug fixes, or support going forward. For help or questions on migrating your codebase to the XamDataGrid, please contact support.

Multi-Column Resizing

The xamGrid™ control allows your end user to resize more than one column at once. To do this you must select multiple columns and then resize one of the selected columns. All the selected columns will then resize to the same width.

You must enable selection to use multi-column resizing. For more information, see the Selection topic.

To enable this, you can set the ColumnResizingSettings object’s AllowMultipleColumnResize property to True.


<ig:XamGrid x:Name="MyGrid">
        <ig:ColumnResizingSettings AllowColumnResizing="Indicator"
   <!-- Enable Column Selection -->
       <ig:SelectionSettings CellSelection="Multiple"
                             ColumnSelection="Multiple" RowSelection="Multiple"/>

In Visual Basic:

Me.MyGrid.ColumnResizingSettings.AllowMultipleColumnResize = True
' Enable Column Selection
Me.MyGrid.SelectionSettings.ColumnSelection = SelectionType.Multiple

In C#:

this.MyGrid.ColumnResizingSettings.AllowMultipleColumnResize = true;
// Enable Column Selection
this.MyGrid.SelectionSettings.ColumnSelection = SelectionType.Multiple;