
Add Content to a Tab

The TabItemEx object derives from TabItem object, which in turn derives from HeaderedContentControl; therefore, using it will be similar to any headered content control found in Microsoft® Windows® Presentation Foundation. Just like any content control in Windows Presentation Foundation, you can set the Content property of a tab to an instance of an object. In many cases, you will use a layout container, such as a Grid panel, as the root element — adding additional elements to the layout container.

The following example code demonstrates how to add content to a tab.

xamTabControl Add Content to a Tab 01.png


<igWindows:XamTabControl Name="xamTabControl1">
    <igWindows:TabItemEx Header="Tab 1">
            <RichTextBox />

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Windows.Controls
Dim grid1 As New Grid()
grid1.Children.Add(New RichTextBox())
Dim tab1 As New TabItemEx() With {.Header = "Tab 1", .Content = grid1}

In C#:

using Infragistics.Windows.Controls;
Grid grid1 = new Grid();
grid1.Children.Add(new RichTextBox());
TabItemEx tab1 = new TabItemEx()
    Header = "Tab 1",
    Content = grid1