
Configuring the Normal Range


This topic explains, with code examples, how to configure and customize the appearance of the Normal Range of the XamSparkline™ control.

Required background

The following table lists the topics required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides an overview of the XamSparkline control, its benefits, and the supported chart types.

This topic provides an overview of the ways to configure the XamSparkline control. Links to the detailed configurations (available in separate topics) are provided as well.

Configuring the Normal Range – Conceptual Overview


By default, the normal range is not displayed. When enabled, the normal range has light gray color fill by default. The minimum settings required for displaying the Normal Range are the visibility, the position of the bottom border of the range, and the position of the upper border of range.

The Normal Range can be customized in the following aspects:

  • width and position

  • fill (gradient and color)

These settings are managed, respective properties:

Property settings

The following table maps the configuration tasks to the corresponding Normal Range property settings.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:

Specify the width and position of the Normal Range

The desired number (integer)

The desired number (integer)

Set the fill (gradient and color) of the Normal Range

The desired color, such as SolidColorBrush or one of the gradient color brushes

Configuring the Normal Range – Code Example


This example demonstrates how to configure a Normal Range of yellow color. The Normal Range is 4 value levels wide and is placed between value levels 1 and 5.

This is achieved through customizing the NormalRangeFill property of XamSparkline .


Defining a Range 3.png

Property settings



      <dv:SolidColorBrush Color="#6FE7B134"/>

Related Content

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic explains the featured properties of the XamSparkline control.