
Line Appearances

The LineChartAppearance.LineAppearances and AreaChartAppearance.LineAppearances properties are collections that contain LineAppearance objects. These properties can be used to customize the appearance of individual lines in line and area charts. The following 2D chart types are supported by this Line Appearance feature:

Each LineAppearance object contains the following properties, which you can use to customize individual lines in a chart:

  • Thickness  — Allows you to customize the width of each line in the chart.

  • SplineTension  — Allows you to adjust the curve of each line.

  • LineStyle  — This class contains the following properties:

    • DrawStyle  — Lets you draw a line as solid, dashed, dotted, etc.

    • StartStyle  — Allows you to choose an anchor style (e.g., arrow) at the start of the line.

    • EndStyle  — Allows you to choose an anchor style (e.g., arrow) at the end of the line.

    • MidPointAnchors  — Lets you toggle anchors at each vertex in the line.

  • Key  — This property is optional. It allows you to uniquely identify a LineAppearance property in the collection. This property is provided to facilitate referencing a LineAppearance object in code.

  • IconAppearance  — Allows you to customize how symbols are drawn over each vertex in the line. The IconAppearance object contains the following properties:

    • Icon  — Lets you choose the type of symbol to draw.

    • Character  — Allows you to specify the character to use as an icon, if the Icon property is set to Character.

    • CharacterFont  — Allows you to specify the font used to draw the character, if the Icon property is set to Character.

    • IconSize  — Allows you to specify the size at which to render the symbol.

    • PE  — Allows you to specify the PaintElement object used for coloring the symbol. Its Stroke and Fill properties determine the color of the symbol.

When LineAppearance objects are present in the collection, they will be applied to each line in the chart, in order, and then cycled. For example if there are five lines in a chart, and three LineAppearance objects (lineApp1 to lineApp3), then the fourth line in the chart will use the lineApp1 object, and the fifth line in the chart will use the lineApp2 object.

You can use EmptyAppearance objects for each line in the chart in the same way as LineAppearance objects. You can use the LineChartAppearance.EmptyStyles and AreaChartAppearance.EmptyStyles collections. For more information on Empty Appearance objects, see Customize the Display of Null Values.