
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars Namespace

ClassActivePopupNotchUIElement UIElement for the notch displayed in the NavigationMenu
ClassAddRemoveButtonsPopupControlUIElement The main element on the 'Add or Remove Buttons' quick customize menu.
ClassAddRemoveButtonsUIElement The 'Add or Remove Buttons' element that appears on the quick customize menu.
ClassAfterMiniToolbarHiddenEventArgs Event argument class for the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterMiniToolbarHidden event.
ClassAfterMiniToolbarShownEventArgs Event argument class for the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterMiniToolbarShown event.
ClassAfterNavigationEventArgs Event argument class for the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterNavigation event.
ClassAfterRibbonCustomizationDialogClosedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterRibbonCustomizationDialogClosed event.
ClassAfterToolDragEventArgs Event argument class for the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterToolDragEnd event.
ClassAfterToolEnterEditModeEventArgs Event arguments class for the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterToolEnterEditMode event
ClassAfterToolExitEditModeEventArgs Event arguments class for the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterToolExitEditMode event
ClassApplicationMenu Represents the application menu on the ribbon that is accessed using the large round button in the upper left corner of the ribbon area.
ClassApplicationMenu.ApplicationMenuButtonAccessibleObject The accessible object for the button which opens the application menu.
ClassApplicationMenu2010 Represents the Office 2010 view of the application menu on the ribbon that is accessed using the file menu button on the Ribbon.
ClassApplicationMenuArea Represents an area within the ApplicationMenu that contains tools.
ClassApplicationMenuAreaBase Represents an area within the application menu that contains tools.
ClassApplicationMenuAreaBase.ApplicationMenuAreaAccessibleObject The accessible object for an application menu area
ClassApplicationMenuAreaSettings Represents the settings for a ApplicationMenuArea
ClassApplicationMenuAreaSettingsResolved This object exposes the resolved settings for a ApplicationMenuArea
ClassApplicationMenuBackButtonUIElement UIElement used to represent the Back button on the Office 2013 Style Application2010 menu.
ClassApplicationMenuBase Base class that represent the application menu on the ribbon.
ClassApplicationMenuButtonUIElement UIElement that represents the dropdown button for the ApplicationMenu
ClassApplicationMenuButtonUIElementBase Base class for the UIElements that represent the dropdown button for the ApplicationMenu of the Ribbon.
ClassApplicationMenuButtonUIElementBase.ApplicationMenuButtonUIElementBaseUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the ApplicationMenuButtonUIElementBase class.
ClassApplicationMenuControl Infragistics' ApplicationMenuControl control. This control displays popup menu contents and is hosted by a DropDownManager window.
ClassApplicationMenuControl.ApplicationMenuControlAccessibleObject An accessible object to represent an ApplicationMenuControl.
ClassApplicationMenuControlTrusted Infragistics' ApplicationMenuControl control. This control displays popup menu contents and is hosted by a DropDownManager window.
ClassApplicationMenuControlUIElement This element occupies the entire application menu area.
ClassApplicationMenuFooterToolbar A toolbar displayed at the bottom of the application menu in Office 2007.
ClassApplicationMenuFooterToolbar.ApplicationMenuFooterToolbarAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a ApplicationMenuFooterToolbar.
ClassApplicationMenuFooterToolbar.ApplicationMenuFooterToolbarUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the ApplicationMenuFooterToolbar class.
ClassApplicationMenuFooterToolbarSettings Settings that are specific to application menu footer toolbars.
ClassApplicationMenuFooterToolbarSettingsResolved Class that manages the resolved tool related settings for a QuickAccessToolbar
ClassApplicationMenuHeaderUIElement UI element for the header area of the ribbon application menu
ClassApplicationMenuLeftAreaUIElement UI element for the left area of the ApplicationMenu.
ClassApplicationMenuMainAreaInnerUIElement UI element for the inner area of the ribbon application menu
ClassApplicationMenuMainAreaUIElement UI element for the main area of the ribbon application menu
ClassApplicationMenuMainAreaUIElement.ApplicationMenuMainAreaUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the ApplicationMenuMainAreaUIElement class.
ClassApplicationMenuRightAreaUIElement UI element for the left area of the ApplicationMenu.
ClassApplicationMenuSideBarUIElement UI element for the side bar of the ribbon application menu
ClassArrowUIElement An element that draws an arrow.
ClassBackStageContentAreaMenuUIElement UIElement for the column in the ApplicationMenu2010 content area
ClassBackStageContentAreaUIElement UIElement for the ApplicationMenu2010 content area.
ClassBackStageContentAreaUIElement.BackStageContentAreaUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the BackStageContentAreaUIElement class.
ClassBackStageHeaderUIElement UIElement for the header of the ApplicationMenu2010
ClassBackStageMainUIElement This element occupies the entire Office 2010 style application menu view area.
ClassBackStageMainUIElement.BackStageMainUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the BackStageMainUIElement class.
ClassBackStageViewControlUIElement This element is the control UIElement for the BackStageViewControl
ClassBeforeApplicationMenu2010ClosedEventArgs Event argument class for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeApplicationMenu2010Closed event.
ClassBeforeApplicationMenu2010DisplayedEventArgs Event argument class for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeApplicationMenu2010Displayed event.
ClassBeforeDisplayCustomizeDialogEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeDisplayCustomizeDialog event.
ClassBeforeMiniToolbarShownEventArgs Event argument class for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeMiniToolbarShown event.
ClassBeforeNavigationEventArgs Event argument class for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeNavigation event.
ClassBeforeRibbonCustomizationDialogDisplayedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeRibbonCustomizationDialogDisplayed event.
ClassBeforeRibbonGroupDropDownEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeRibbonGroupDropDown
ClassBeforeRibbonTabDropDownEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeRibbonTabDropDown
ClassBeforeRibbonTabSelectedEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeRibbonTabSelected
ClassBeforeShortcutKeyProcessedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeShortcutKeyProcessed event.
ClassBeforeTaskPaneToolSelectedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeTaskPaneToolSelected event
ClassBeforeToolbarListDropdownEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeToolbarListDropdown event
ClassBeforeToolDropdownEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeToolbarListDropdown event
ClassBeforeToolEnterEditModeEventArgs Event arguments class for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeToolEnterEditMode event
ClassBeforeToolExitEditModeEventArgs Event arguments class for the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeToolExitEditMode event
ClassButtonTool Represents a button, which can perform an action when clicked.
ClassButtonTool.ButtonToolConverter Type converter for the ButtonTool class.
ClassButtonTool.ButtonToolUiaProviderStub UI Automation Provider stub for the ButtonTool
ClassButtonToolUIElement The element used to represent a tool as a button or a state button.
ClassCancelableRibbonGroupEventArgs Event arguments for a cancelable event that involves a RibbonGroup
ClassCancelableRibbonTabEventArgs Event arguments for a cancelable event that involves a RibbonTab
ClassCancelableToolbarEventArgs Event parameters used for cancelable events that pass in a toolbar as an argument.
ClassCancelableToolEventArgs Event parameters used for cancelable events that pass in a tool as an argument.
ClassCaptionButtonAppearances Exposes Infragistics.Win.Appearance properties used by classes which are represented by button elements in the user interface.
ClassCaptionButtonsAppearances Exposes CaptionButtonAppearances properties for the each possible caption button.
ClassCheckMarkImageUIElement A element that shows a checkmark
ClassCheckMarkUIElement A chevron element used on toolbars and menus.
ClassChevronUIElement A chevron element used on toolbars and menus.
ClassComboBoxTool Represents a combo box, which contains a list of items in a drop down. Optionally, the combo box can be editable by the keyboard.
ClassComboBoxTool.ComboBoxToolConverter Type converter for the ComboBoxTool class
ClassComboBoxToolUIElement The element that represents a combobox on a toolbar.
ClassContentArea Content Area of the ApplicationMenu2010
ClassContentAreaSeparatorUIElement UIElement for the ApplicationMenu2010 ContentArea separator
ClassContentAreaSettings Settings that are specific to the content area.
ClassContentAreaSettingsResolved This object exposes the resolved settings for a ContentArea
ClassContextualTabGroup Represents the group information for a contextual tab group.
ClassContextualTabGroup.ContextualTabGroupAccessibleObject The accessible object for the ContextualTabGroup
ClassContextualTabGroup.ContextualTabGroupConverter Type converter for the ContextualTabGroup class
ClassContextualTabGroupCaptionUIElement UIElement displayed within the caption area of the Ribbon above the tab items with which the ContextualTabGroup is associated.
ClassContextualTabGroupCaptionUIElement.ContextualTabGroupCaptionUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the ContextualTabGroupCaptionUIElement class.
ClassContextualTabGroupCollection Represents a collection of ContextualTabGroup instances in a Ribbon
ClassContextualTabsCollection A collection of RibbonTab instances for a particular ContextualTabGroup
ClassControlContainerTool Represents a control container, which displays a Control.
ClassControlContainerTool.ControlContainerToolConverter Type converter for the ControlContainerTool class
ClassControlContainerTool.ControlContainerToolUiaProviderStub UI Automation Provider stub for the ControlContainerTool
ClassControlContainerToolMenuItemUIElement Represents a tool that contains a control in a popup menu
ClassControlContainerToolUIElement The element that represents a ControlContainerTool on a toolbar.
ClassControlContainerUIElement The element that represents a contained control on a toolbar.
ClassCustomizeDialog A dialog used to customize toolbars and tools.
ClassCustomizeDialogAddCommand Summary description for CustomizeDialogAddCommand.
ClassCustomizeDialogImageEditor Dialog used to edit an image at runtime.
ClassCustomizeDialogKeyboard A dialog used to modify tool short-cut keys.
ClassCustomizeDialogNewTool A dialog used to create a new tool.
ClassCustomizeDialogNewToolbar A dialog used to create a new toolbar.
ClassCustomizeDialogRearrangeCommands Summary description for CustomizeDialogRearrangeCommands.
ClassCustomizeDialogRenameToolbar A dialog used to rename a toolbar.
ClassCustomizeMenuItemUIElement CustomizeMenuItemUIElement is a menu item that shows up on the AddRemoveButtons menu.
ClassCustomizeQATUIElement A menu item that shows up on the toolbar list menu that displays the dialog for QAT customization.
ClassCustomizeRibbonUIElement A menu item that shows up on the toolbar list menu that displays the dialog for ribbon customization.
ClassEditorToolBase Base class for tools that utilize an Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase
ClassEditorToolBase.EditorToolBaseConverter Type converter for the EditorToolBase class
ClassEditorToolBase.EditorToolBaseUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the EditorToolBased tools.
ClassEditorToolBaseUIElement The element that represents a EditorToolBase on a toolbar.
ClassEmptyMenuItemUIElement An element that is added during customization to a menu that has no items present.
ClassEmptyToolbarToolUIElement An element that is added during customization to a toolbar that has no tools present.
ClassFloatingToolbarCaptionAreaUIElement An element that represents the caption area of a toolbar when it is floating.
ClassFloatingToolbarCloseButtonUIElement The close button in the upper right corner of the caption area.
ClassFloatingToolbarUIElement This element occupies the entire floating toolbar window including the caption and border (non-client) areas.
ClassFloatingToolbarWindow The top level window used for floating toolbar.
ClassFloatingToolbarWindowBase The top level window used for floating toolbar.
ClassFontListMruItemsCollection FontListMruItems Collection.
ClassFontListMruItemsCollection.FontListMruItem A wrapper class for the entries in the FontListMruItemsCollection
ClassFontListMruItemsCollection.FontListMruItemEnumerator Enumerator for the FontListMruItemsCollection
ClassFontListTool Represents a drop down list of the fonts on the computer.
ClassFontListTool.FontListToolConverter Type Converter for the FontListTool class
ClassFontListToolUIElement The element that represents a font list tool on a toolbar.
ClassGalleryItemUIElementBase Abstract base class for the gallery item ui element
ClassGalleryPreviewButtonAreaUIElement UIElement displaying the area where the buttons are placed in the preview area for the PopupGalleryTool.
ClassGalleryPreviewButtonInnerUIElement Base UI element for a button in the gallery preview area
ClassGalleryPreviewButtonUIElement Base UI element for a button in the gallery preview area
ClassGalleryPreviewDropDownButtonUIElement UI element for the drop down button in the gallery preview area
ClassGalleryPreviewItemAreaUIElement UI element for displaying the gallery items in the preview area
ClassGalleryPreviewItemUIElement UI element for an item in the gallery preview
ClassGalleryPreviewScrollDownButtonUIElement UI element for the scroll down button in the gallery preview area
ClassGalleryPreviewScrollUpButtonUIElement UI element for the scroll up button in the gallery preview area
ClassGalleryPreviewUIElement UI element for the gallery preview area
ClassGalleryToolFilterChangeEventArgs Event parameters used for the PopupGalleryTool.GalleryToolFilterChange event.
ClassGalleryToolFilterListMenuControlUIElement This element occupies the entire dock area.
ClassGalleryToolFilterMenuItemUIElement Represents a filter on the gallery filter list menu.
ClassGalleryToolItem An item in a PopupGalleryTool.
ClassGalleryToolItem.GalleryToolItemAccessibleObject The Accessible object for an item.
ClassGalleryToolItem.GalleryToolItemConverter Type converter for the GalleryToolItemConverter class
ClassGalleryToolItemCollection A collection of GalleryToolItem instances.
ClassGalleryToolItemEventArgs Event arguments for an event that involves a GalleryToolItem
ClassGalleryToolItemGroup A group which contains multiple items for a gallery.
ClassGalleryToolItemGroup.GalleryToolItemGroupConverter Type converter for the GalleryToolItemGroupFilter class
ClassGalleryToolItemGroupCollection A collection of GalleryToolItemGroup instances.
ClassGalleryToolItemGroupFilter A filter which determines which groups populate their items in the gallery.
ClassGalleryToolItemGroupFilter.GalleryToolItemGroupFilterConverter Type converter for the GalleryToolItemGroupFilter class
ClassGalleryToolItemGroupFilterCollection A collection of GalleryToolItemGroupFilter instances.
ClassGalleryToolItemGroupKeysCollection A collection of GalleryToolItemGroup instances.
ClassGalleryToolItemGroupKeysCollection.GalleryToolItemGroupKeysCollectionUITypeEditor GalleryToolItemGroupKeysCollectionUITypeEditor prevents the default collection type editor from displaying an ellipsis button.
ClassGalleryToolItemGroupSettings Settings that are specific to GalleryToolItemGroup objects.
ClassGalleryToolItemKeysCollection A collection of GalleryToolItem keys.
ClassGalleryToolItemKeysCollection.GalleryToolItemKeysCollectionUITypeEditor GalleryToolItemKeysCollectionUITypeEditor prevents the default collection type editor from displaying an ellipsis button.
ClassGalleryToolItemSettings Settings that are specific to GalleryToolItem objects.
ClassGrabHandleUIElement An element that represents the grab handle on a toolbar.
ClassInstanceProps Class which exposes properties that are specific to a single instance of a ToolBase derived object.
ClassLabelTool Represents a label which displays text. The label is for display only and does not respond to clicks.
ClassLabelTool.LabelToolConverter Type converter for the LabelTool class
ClassLabelTool.LabelToolUiaProviderStub Automation stub for the LabelTool class
ClassLabelToolUIElement This element represents a label tool on a toolbar.
ClassListTool Represents a list of menu items which may change in number throughout the run of the application.
ClassListTool.ListToolConverter Type converter for the ListTool class
ClassListTool.ListToolItemAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a tool.
ClassListToolItem ListToolItem object.
ClassListToolItem.ListToolItemConverter Type converter for the ListToolItem class
ClassListToolItemsCollection ListToolItems collection object.
ClassListToolItemsCollection.ListToolItemEnumerator Enumerator for the ListToolItemsCollection
ClassLockToolbarsUIElement LockToolbarsUIElement is a menu item that shows up on the toolbar list menu. It toggles the value of the UltraToolbarsManager.LockToolbars property.
ClassMaskedEditTool Represents a text box that allows editing using a specified mask.
ClassMaskedEditToolBase Base class for a tool that uses an Infragistics.Win.EditorWithMask.
ClassMdiMergePlaceholderTool This tool is created internally as a wrapper to a merged tool from an MDI child.
ClassMdiMergePlaceholderTool.MdiMergePlaceholderToolUiaProviderStub Automation stub for the MdiMergePlaceholderTool class
ClassMdiWindowListTool Represents a specialized list tool that displays commands to manage MDI child windows from the MDI parent window.
ClassMdiWindowListTool.MdiWindowListToolConverter Type converter for the MdiWindowListTool class
ClassMenuItemAreaUIElement Base UI element for an area containing menu items
ClassMenuSettings Settings that are specific to menus.
ClassMenuSettingsResolved This object exposes the resolved settings for a specific menu.
ClassMergedToolsCollection Collection of ToolBase derived objects off the UltraToolbarsManager's UltraToolbarsManager.MergedTools collection.
ClassMinimizeRibbonUIElement A menu item that shows up on the toolbar list menu that toggles the value of the Ribbon.IsMinimized property.
ClassMiniToolbar Represents an Office 2007 MiniToolbar. This appears near the mouse cursor when a context menu is shown or the Show method is called.
ClassMiniToolbar.MiniToolbarAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a MiniToolbar.
ClassMiniToolbarControlElement The control element for a MiniToolbarWindow.
ClassMiniToolbarDesigner Summary description for MiniToolbarDesigner.
ClassMiniToolbarSettings Settings that are specific to the MiniToolbar.
ClassMiniToolbarSettingsResolved Class that manages the resolved tool related settings for a MiniToolbar
ClassMiniToolbarWindow The window that shows a MiniToolbar.
ClassMiniToolbarWindowTrusted The trusted window that shows a MiniToolbar.
ClassNavigationButtonAreaUIElement UIElement representing an area of the TaskPaneToolbarUIElement that displays the navigation buttons for an UltraTaskPaneToolbar.
ClassNavigationButtonAreaUIElement.NavigationButtonAreaUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the NavigationButtonAreaUIElement class.
ClassNavigationButtonUIElement UIElement representing a navigation button with the NavigationButtonAreaUIElement of an UltraTaskPaneToolbar
ClassNavigationButtonUIElement.NavigationButtonUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the NavigationButtonUIElement class.
ClassNavigationHistoryItem A class that represents a single item that a user has navigated to.
ClassNavigationMenu Represents an area within the ApplicationMenu2010 that contains tools.
ClassNavigationMenu.BackStageBackButtonAccessibleObject The accessible object for the back button which closes the application menu.
ClassNavigationMenu.NavigationMenuAccessibleObject The accessible object for the navigation menu area
ClassNavigationMenuAreaUIElement UIElement for the NavigationMenu
ClassNavigationToolbar Represents a toolbar providing navigational capabilities.
ClassNavigationToolbar.NavigationToolbarUiaProviderStub Automation provider for the NavigationToolbar
ClassNavigationToolbarButtonAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a navigation button.
ClassNavigationToolbarButtonAreaUIElement An element representing the button area containing the back and forward buttons in a NavigationToolbar.
ClassNavigationToolbarButtonUIElement Represents a navigation button element on the navigation toolbar.
ClassNavigationToolbarListMenuControl Represents the recent history menu control of the NavigationToolbar.
ClassNavigationToolbarListMenuItemUIElement Represents the UI element of a NavigationToolbarListMenuItem.
ClassNavigationToolbarMenuSettings Represents various settings to control the appearance of recent history menu of the NavigationToolbar.
ClassNavigationToolbarRecentHistoryButtonUIElement Represents the drop-down menu button on the navigation toolbar.
ClassNavigationToolbarSettings Represents various settings to control the appearance of the NavigationToolbar.
ClassNavigationToolbarUIElement The element that represents a NavigationToolbar.
ClassNavigationToolSeparatorUIElement UIElement representing a separator between 2 navigation tools in the NavigationButtonAreaUIElement of an UltraTaskPaneToolbar
ClassOptionSet OptionSet object.
ClassOptionSet.OptionSetConverter Type converter for the OptionSet class
ClassOptionSetsCollection OptionSets collection object.
ClassOptionSetsCollection.OptionSetEnumerator Enumerator for the OptionSetsCollection.
ClassPopupColorPickerTool Represents a tool that displays a drop down a color picker.
ClassPopupColorPickerTool.PopupColorPickerToolConverter Type converter for the PopupColorPickerTool class
ClassPopupControlBase PopupControlBase control. Abstract base class for popup controls that host UI elements and live inside a DropDownManager window.
ClassPopupControlContainerTool Represents a popup tool which displays a Control as its drop down contents.
ClassPopupControlContainerTool.PopupControlContainerToolConverter Type converter for the PopupControlContainerTool class
ClassPopupControlContainerToolBase Abstract base class for popup tools that re-parent a control into the dropdown.
ClassPopupGalleryControl Infragistics' PopupGalleryControl control. This control displays popup menu contents and is hosted by a DropDownManager window.
ClassPopupGalleryControlTrusted Infragistics' PopupGalleryControl control. This control displays popup menu contents and is hosted by a DropDownManager window.
ClassPopupGalleryControlUIElement This element occupies the entire dock area.
ClassPopupGalleryFilterBarUIElement The UIElement for the filter bar displaying the active filter in the gallery item are
ClassPopupGalleryFilterBarUIElement.PopupGalleryFilterBarUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the PopupGalleryFilterBarUIElement class.
ClassPopupGalleryGroupAreaUIElement UIElement which displays all groups and items in the gallery drop down
ClassPopupGalleryGroupHeaderUIElement The UIElement which displays the header for a group in the gallery drop down
ClassPopupGalleryGroupItemAreaUIElement The UIElement which displays all items within a single group
ClassPopupGalleryGroupUIElement The UIElement which displays a group in the gallery popup
ClassPopupGalleryItemDescriptionUIElement UI element which displays the formatted text in the gallery item
ClassPopupGalleryItemImageUIElement UI element which displays the image for a gallery item
ClassPopupGalleryItemUIElement The UIElement which displays an item in the gallery
ClassPopupGalleryMenuItemUIElement The UIElement which shows the entire gallery in the gallery drop down.
ClassPopupGalleryTool A popup menu tool which contains a gallery of items.
ClassPopupGalleryTool.GroupFilterReferenceConverter Type converter for a group filter reference
ClassPopupGalleryTool.ItemReferenceConverter Type converter for a group filter reference
ClassPopupGalleryTool.PopupGalleryToolConverter Type converter for the PopupGalleryTool class
ClassPopupGalleryTool.PopupGalleryToolUiaProviderStub UI Automation Provider stub for the PopupGalleryTool class
ClassPopupMenuChevronItemUIElement PopupMenuChevronItemUIElement.
ClassPopupMenuControl Infragistics' PopupMenuControl control. This control displays popup menu contents and is hosted by a DropDownManager window.
ClassPopupMenuControlTrusted Infragistics' PopupMenuControl control. This control displays popup menu contents and is hosted by a DropDownManager window.
ClassPopupMenuControlUIElement This element occupies the entire dock area.
ClassPopupMenuItemAreaUIElement PopupMenuItemArea UIElement. This element holds the individual PopupmenuItemElements.
ClassPopupMenuItemDescriptionUIElement UI element which displays the formatted text in the gallery item
ClassPopupMenuItemImageAreaUIElement PopupMenuItemImage UIElement (used for style Office2000 only)
ClassPopupMenuItemUIElement PopupMenuItem UIElement, represents a tool in a popup menu
ClassPopupMenuResizeHandleUIElement Provides a grab handle UI element that interacts with a popup menu provide resize functionality
ClassPopupMenuScrollItemUIElement PopupMenuScrollItemUIElement.
ClassPopupMenuSeparatorItemUIElement This UIElement represents a separator line between two menu items within an UltraToolbarsManager popup menu.
ClassPopupMenuSideStripUIElement PopupMenu SideStrip UIElement.
ClassPopupMenuSpecialItemUIElement PopupMenuSpecialItemUIElement.
ClassPopupMenuTearawayStripUIElement PopupMenuTearawayStripUIElement.
ClassPopupMenuTool Represents a popup which contains other ToolBase derived tools as its drop down contents.
ClassPopupMenuTool.PopupMenuToolConverter Type converter for the PopupMenuTool class
ClassPopupRibbonGroupTool A tool class used to display the contents of a RibbonGroup within a dropdown from the QuickAccessToolbar
ClassPopupToolBase PopupToolBase - abstract base class for all popup type tools.
ClassPopupToolBase.PopupToolBaseUiaProviderStub UI Automation Provider stub for the PopupToolBase class
ClassPopupToolDropDownButtonUIElement Element used for the drop down button area of a segmented popup tool on a toolbar.
ClassPopupToolUIElement This element represents a popup tool on a toolbar.
ClassProgressBarTool Represents a progress bar, which can be used to display the status of an activity or operation.
ClassQatBottomAreaUIElement UIElement that contains the QuickAccessToolbar when it is displayed below the ribbon.
ClassQatCustomizeHeaderUIElement The header menu item that shows up on the customize menu of the QuickAccessToolbar.
ClassQatCustomizeMenuControlUIElement The main element on the popup displayed for the QuickAccessToolbar that displays options for customizing the ribbon
ClassQatCustomizeMenuToolUIElement This element represents the customize menu tool for a QuickAccessToolbar
ClassQatQuickCustomizeToolUIElement This element represents the customize tool for a QuickAccessToolbar
ClassQatTopAreaUIElement UIElement displayed within the caption area of the Ribbon that contains the QuickAccessToolbar when it is displayed above the ribbon.
ClassQuickAccessToolbar A custom toolbar displayed above or below the Ribbon that contains a collection of frequently used tools.
ClassQuickAccessToolbar.QuickAccessToolbarAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a QuickAccessToolbar.
ClassQuickAccessToolbar.QuickAccessToolbarUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the QuickAccessToolbar class.
ClassQuickAccessToolbarAddRemoveUIElement A menu item that shows up on the toolbar list menu that either adds or removes a tool from the QuickAccessToolbar.
ClassQuickAccessToolbarModifiedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.QuickAccessToolbarModified event
ClassQuickAccessToolbarPositionUIElement A menu item that shows up on the toolbar list menu that toggles the QuickAccessToolbar.Location property.
ClassQuickAccessToolbarSettings Class that manages the tool related settings for a QuickAccessToolbar
ClassQuickAccessToolbarSettingsResolved Class that manages the resolved tool related settings for a QuickAccessToolbar
ClassQuickCustomize2003UIElement A chevron element used on toolbars and menus.
ClassQuickCustomizeBumped2003UIElement A chevron element used on toolbars and menus.
ClassQuickCustomizePopupControlUIElement The main element on the quick customize popup menu.
ClassQuickCustomizeToolUIElement This element represents the quick customize button on a toolbar.
ClassResetToolbarUIElement ResetToolbarUIElement is a menu item that shows up on the AddRemoveButtons menu.

A dialog displayed at design time when adding an UltraToolbarsManager component to a form that already has one whose UltraToolbarsManager.DockWithinContainer property is set to the form.

It offers a list of eligible container controls that can be used to set the new UltraToolbarsManager's UltraToolbarsManager.DockWithinContainer property.

ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassRibbon Represents an Office 2007 style ribbon that contains a quick access toolbar, a set of tab items that contain tools and a application menu.
ClassRibbon.RibbonAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a tool.
ClassRibbon.RibbonCaptionAreaAccessibleObject The accessible object for the Ribbon caption area
ClassRibbon.RibbonCaptionButtonAccessibleObject Accessible object for a Ribbon caption button
ClassRibbon.RibbonGroupAreaAccessibleObject The accessible object for the Ribbon group area
ClassRibbon.RibbonGroupAreaPagerButtonAccessibleObject Accessible object for a ribbon group area pager button
ClassRibbon.RibbonPagerButtonAccessibleObject Accessible object for a ribbon pager button
ClassRibbon.RibbonTabItemAreaAccessibleObject Accessible object for the ribbon tab area
ClassRibbon.RibbonTabPagerButtonAccessibleObject Accessible object for a ribbon pager button
ClassRibbon.RibbonUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the Ribbon class.
ClassRibbonAreaUIElement UIElement that represents the area occupied by the Ribbon
ClassRibbonAutoHideBarUIElement UIElement for the Ribbon AutoHide Bar located in the Caption Area when the Ribbon is hidden.
ClassRibbonButtonGroupUIElement UIElement that represents a group of tools within a RibbonGroup that have their InstanceProps.ButtonGroup set to the same name.
ClassRibbonCaptionAreaUIElement UIElement that represents the top portion of the ribbon area including the QuickAccessToolbar, ribbon Ribbon.Caption and captions for the visible ContextualTabGroup instances.
ClassRibbonCaptionButtonUIElement UIElement that represents the caption buttons within the caption of a Ribbon
ClassRibbonCaptionButtonUIElement.RibbonCaptionButtonUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the RibbonCaptionButtonUIElement class.
ClassRibbonCaptionUIElement The UIElement that displays the caption of the Ribbon
ClassRibbonCaptionUIElement.RibbonCaptionUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the RibbonCaptionUIElement class.
ClassRibbonContentAreaPinButtonUIElement UIElement for the Ribbon Pin Button located with the Ribbon's Content Area.
ClassRibbonGroup Represents an object that contains tools and is displayed within a RibbonTab of a Ribbon.
ClassRibbonGroup.DialogBoxLauncherAccessibleObject The Accessible object for the DialogBoxLauncher tool on a RibbonGroup.
ClassRibbonGroup.DialogBoxLauncherToolUITypeEditor UITypeEditor for selecting the key of the DialogBoxLauncherTool for a RibbonGroup
ClassRibbonGroup.RibbonGroupAccessibleObject The accessible object for a ribbon group
ClassRibbonGroup.RibbonGroupButtonAccessibleObject The accessible object for a Ribbon group
ClassRibbonGroup.RibbonGroupConverter Type converter for the RibbonGroup class
ClassRibbonGroupAreaUIElement UIElement that displays the RibbonGroup instances within a RibbonTab
ClassRibbonGroupAreaUIElement.RibbonGroupAreaUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the RibbonGroupAreaUIElement class.
ClassRibbonGroupButtonUIElement UIElement that represents a RibbonGroup when it has been collapsed.
ClassRibbonGroupCaptionAreaUIElement UIElement that represents the caption area within a RibbonGroup
ClassRibbonGroupCollection Represents a collection of RibbonGroup objects in a particular RibbonTab of a Ribbon
ClassRibbonGroupDialogBoxLauncherUIElement UIElement that represents the dialog box launcher in the caption of a RibbonGroup
ClassRibbonGroupEventArgs Event arguments for an event that involves a RibbonGroup
ClassRibbonGroupSeparatorUIElement UIElement for the separator between ribbon groups in the Scenic Ribbon style.
ClassRibbonGroupSettings Represents settings for a RibbonGroup
ClassRibbonGroupSettingsResolved This object exposes the resolved settings for a RibbonGroup
ClassRibbonGroupUIElement UIElement that represents a RibbonGroup within a RibbonTab.
ClassRibbonMenuControlUIElement The main element on the popup displayed for a dropdown RibbonTab or RibbonGroup
ClassRibbonPagerAreaUIElement The uielement that represents a scrollable area with the ribbon
ClassRibbonPagerAreaUIElement.RibbonPagerAreaUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the RibbonPagerAreaUIElement class.
ClassRibbonPagerButtonUIElement Represents a scroll button used to scroll a RibbonPagerAreaUIElement
ClassRibbonPagerButtonUIElement.RibbonPagerButtonUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the RibbonPagerButtonUIElement class.
ClassRibbonPagerContentAreaUIElement The content area within a RibbonPagerAreaUIElement that contains the content element to be scrolled.
ClassRibbonPagerContentAreaUIElement.RibbonPagerContentAreaUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the RibbonPagerContentAreaUIElement class.
ClassRibbonTab Represents a single tab item within the Ribbon
ClassRibbonTab.ContextualTabGroupUITypeEditor UITypeEditor for selecting the key of the ContextualTabGroup for a RibbonTab
ClassRibbonTab.RibbonTabConverter Type converter for the RibbonTab class
ClassRibbonTab.RibbonTabItemAccessibleObject Accessible object for the ribbon tab area
ClassRibbonTabAreaUIElement The UIElement that represents the area occupied by the ribbon tab items and tab page.
ClassRibbonTabCollection The collection of RibbonTab instances for the Ribbon.
ClassRibbonTabCollectionBase The base class for a collection of RibbonTab instances.
ClassRibbonTabEventArgs Event arguments for an event that involves a RibbonTab
ClassRibbonTabItemAreaUIElement UIElement that represents the area where the ribbon tab items are displayed.
ClassRibbonTabItemToolbar The toolbar which shows tools on the right side of the ribbon tab area
ClassRibbonTabItemToolbar.RibbonTabItemToolbarAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a RibbonTabItemToolbar.
ClassRibbonTabItemToolbar.RibbonTabItemToolbarUiaProviderStub Automation provider for the RibbonTabItemToolbar
ClassRibbonTabItemToolbarSettings Settings that are specific to a RibbonTabItemToolbar.
ClassRibbonTabItemToolbarSettingsResolved Class that manages the resolved tool related settings for a RibbonTabItemToolbar
ClassRibbonTabItemUIElement UIElement that represents the tab item for a RibbonTab
ClassRibbonTabPageShadowUIElement The UIElement that renders the shadow below the tab page area when the Ribbon is not minimized.
ClassRibbonTabPageUIElement UIElement that represents the content area of a RibbonTab
ClassRibbonTabRowUIElement UIElement that represents the row of ribbon tabs.
ClassRibbonTabSettings Represents settings for a RibbonTab
ClassRibbonToolSeparatorUIElement Element that represents a separator between tools on a RibbonGroup
ClassRootToolsCollection Collection of ToolBase derived objects off the UltraToolbarsManager's UltraToolbarsManager.Tools collection.
ClassScenicApplicationMenuButtonUIElement UIElement that represents the dropdown button for the ApplicationMenu in the Scenic Ribbon and represents the dropdown button for the ApplicationMenu and ApplicationMenu2010 in the Office 2010 Ribbon.
ClassSettingsBase Abstract base class that exposes common properties of the SettingsBase and ToolbarSettings classes.
ClassSharedProps Class which exposes properties that are shared among all instances of a ToolBase derived object.
ClassSpecialCommandMenuItemUIElement SpecialCommandMenuItemUIElement is derived by ResetToolbarUIElement as CustomizeMenuItemUIElement.
ClassSpecialPopupToolUIElement This element represents a popup tool element.
ClassStateButtonTool Represents a state button, which maintains a Checked state that changes when the state button is clicked.
ClassStateButtonTool.StateButtonToolConverter Type converter for the StateButtonTool class
ClassStateButtonTool.StateButtonToolUiaProviderStub UI Automation Provider stub for the StateButtonTool
ClassTaskPaneSplitterUIElement UIElement used to represent the splitter bar for a UltraTaskPaneToolbar
ClassTaskPaneTool Class used to represent a single item in an UltraTaskPaneToolbar
ClassTaskPaneTool.TaskPaneToolConverter Type converter for the ControlContainerTool class
ClassTaskPaneToolbarEventArgs Event parameters used for events that pass in an UltraTaskPaneToolbar
ClassTaskPaneToolbarUIElement UIElement used to represent an UltraTaskPaneToolbar
ClassTaskPaneToolbarUIElement.TaskPaneToolbarUIElementUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the TaskPaneToolbarUIElement class.
ClassTaskPaneToolResizeEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraToolbarsManager.TaskPaneToolResize event
ClassTearawayToolbarCreatedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.TearawayToolbarCreated event.
ClassTearawayToolBase Abstract base class for popup tools that can be torn away and floated.
ClassTextBoxTool Represents a text box, which can be edited by the end-user.
ClassTextBoxTool.TextBoxToolConverter Type converter for the TextBoxTool class
ClassTextBoxToolUIElement The element that represents a textbox on a toolbar.
ClassTextEditorToolBase Base class for a tool that allows editing of text.
ClassToolAppearances Contains various appearances which will be applied to a tool depending on the state and owner of the tool.
ClassToolbarEventArgs Event parameters used for events that pass in a toolbar as an argument.
ClassToolbarListMenuControl The popup control that contains the list of toolbars and other options displayed to the end user when right clicking on the UltraToolbarsManager.
ClassToolbarListMenuControlUIElement The main element on a toolbar activator menu (dock area context menu).
ClassToolbarListMenuItemUIElement Represents a toolbar on the toolbar activator menu.
ClassToolbarModifiedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.ToolbarModified event
ClassToolbarPickerMenuControlUIElement The main element on a toolbar picker menu (off the quick customize menu in Office XP only).
ClassToolbarsCollection A collection of UltraToolbars.
ClassToolbarsCollection.ToolbarEnumerator Enumerator for the ToolbarsCollection
ClassToolbarsCollection.ToolbarsCollectionConverter The type converter for the ToolbarsCollection class.
ClassToolbarsCollection.ToolbarsCollectionUITypeEditor ToolbarsCollectionUITypeEditor prevents the default collection type editor from displaying an ellipsis button.
ClassToolbarSettings Settings that are specific to toolbars.
ClassToolbarSettingsBase Base class for settings that are specific to toolbars.
ClassToolbarSettingsResolved This object exposes the resolved settings for a specific toolbar.
ClassToolbarsEventManager Class for managing an UltraToolbar's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event.
ClassToolbarUIElement The element that represents a UltraToolbar when the toolbar is either docked or floating.
ClassToolbarUIRoleName Static class used to provide the names of the ui roles defined in the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars assembly.
ClassToolBase Abstract base class for all tool objects.
ClassToolBase.ToolAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a tool.
ClassToolBase.ToolBaseUiaProviderStub UI Automation Provider stub for the ToolBase class
ClassToolClickEventArgs Event parameters used for the the UltraToolbarsManager.ToolClick event
ClassToolDropdownEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterToolDropdown and UltraToolbarsManager.AfterToolCloseup events.
ClassToolEditErrorEventArgs Event arguments class used for the UltraToolbarsManager.ToolEditError
ClassToolEditorAreaUIElement The element that represents an edit area on a tool.
ClassToolEnumerator Enumerator for the ToolsCollectionBase
ClassToolEventArgs Event parameters used for events that pass in a tool as an argument.
ClassToolKeyEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.ToolKeyDown and UltraToolbarsManager.ToolKeyUp events
ClassToolKeyPressEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraToolbarsManager.ToolKeyPress event.
ClassToolNotificationBadgeSettings Provides the settings used by the NotificationBadges in the UltraToolbarsManager
ClassToolNotificationBadgeSettingsResolved Provides the resolved settings used by the NotificationBadges in the UltraToolbarsManager
ClassToolPropsBase Abstract base class containing tool properties common to both the derived SharedProps and InstanceProps classes.
ClassToolsCollection Collection of ToolBase instances off the UltraToolbar's UltraToolbarBase.Tools and PopupMenuTool's PopupMenuTool.Tools collections.
ClassToolsCollectionBase Abstract base class for collections of ToolBase derived objects.
ClassToolsCollectionBase.ToolsCollectionConverter The type converter for the ToolsCollection class.
ClassToolsCollectionBase.ToolsCollectionUITypeEditor ToolsCollectionUITypeEditor prevents the default collection type editor from displaying an ellipsis button.
ClassToolSeparatorUIElement The element used to separate tools on a toolbar
ClassToolUIElement An element that represents a tool on a toolbar.
ClassUltraTaskPaneToolbar Class representing a Microsoft Office style "TaskPane" type toolbar.
ClassUltraTaskPaneToolbar.TaskPaneToolbarConverter Type converter for the UltraToolbar class
ClassUltraTaskPaneToolbar.TaskPaneToolPropertyTypeConverter Type converter used for an UltraTaskPaneToolbar property that returns a tool.
ClassUltraTaskPaneToolbar.TaskPaneToolPropertyUITypeEditor UITypeEditor used to select a taskpane tool for an UltraTaskPaneToolbar property.
ClassUltraTaskPaneToolbar.UltraTaskPaneToolbarUiaProviderStub Automation provider for the UltraTaskPaneToolbar
ClassUltraToolbar Represents a toolbar which contains many ToolBase-derived tools in a row. The toolbar can also be moved and customized at run-time.
ClassUltraToolbar.ToolbarConverter Type converter for the UltraToolbar class
ClassUltraToolbarBase Abstract base class for all toolbars, which display tools in a row.
ClassUltraToolbarBase.ToolbarAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a tool.
ClassUltraToolbarBase.UltraToolbarBaseUiaProviderStub Automation Provider for the UltraToolbarBase class.
ClassUltraToolbarsDockArea Infragistics' UltraToolbarsDockArea control. One of these controls is created for the top, bottom, left and right docking areas.
ClassUltraToolbarsDockAreaResizeUIElement An element used to simulate form resizing areas when merging the UltraToolbarsManager.Ribbon into the caption area.
ClassUltraToolbarsDockAreaUIElement This element occupies the entire dock area.
ClassUltraToolbarsManager Infragistics' UltraToolbarsManager component
ClassUltraToolbarsManager.DockAreaAccessibleObject The Accessible object for the dock area.
ClassUltraToolbarsManager.UltraToolbarsManagerApplicationSettings Helps with the saving and loading of data from the default store
ClassUltraToolbarsManagerRole Role class for the UltraToolbarsManager derived controls.
ClassUltraToolbarsStreamer Provides serialization support for UltraToolbarsManager.
ClassUltraWinToolbarsAssemblyStyleInfo Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role definitions used by the assembly.
InterfaceIPopupElement Interface implemented by UIElements that represent PopupToolBase derived tools.
InterfaceIProvideToolCustomizeInfo Interface implemented by a UIElement on a toolbar or menu that has no tools. The element represents a placeholder where tools may be dragged during customization. This interface provides information about the placeholder element.
InterfaceIProvideToolElementResizeInfo Interface implemented by tool UIElements that support resizing.
InterfaceIRibbonCustomizationProvider Interface used to display a Ribbon Customization Dialog.
InterfaceIToolProvider Interface implemented by objects that register custom tool types.
DelegateAfterMiniToolbarHiddenEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterMiniToolbarHidden event.
DelegateAfterMiniToolbarShownEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterMiniToolbarShown event.
DelegateAfterNavigationEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterNavigation event.
DelegateAfterRibbonCustomizationDialogClosedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterRibbonCustomizationDialogClosed event.
DelegateAfterToolDragEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterToolDragEnd event.
DelegateAfterToolEnterEditModeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterToolEnterEditMode event
DelegateAfterToolExitEditModeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterToolExitEditMode event
DelegateBeforeApplicationMenu2010ClosedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeApplicationMenu2010Closed event.
DelegateBeforeApplicationMenu2010DisplayedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeApplicationMenu2010Displayed event.
DelegateBeforeDisplayCustomizeDialogEventHandler delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeDisplayCustomizeDialog event.
DelegateBeforeMiniToolbarShownEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeMiniToolbarShown event.
DelegateBeforeNavigationEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeNavigation event.
DelegateBeforeRibbonCustomizationDialogDisplayedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeRibbonCustomizationDialogDisplayed event.
DelegateBeforeRibbonGroupDropDownEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeRibbonGroupDropDown event.
DelegateBeforeRibbonTabDropDownEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeRibbonTabDropDown event.
DelegateBeforeRibbonTabSelectedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeRibbonTabSelected event.
DelegateBeforeShortcutKeyProcessedEventHandler delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeShortcutKeyProcessed event.
DelegateBeforeTaskPaneToolSelectedEventHandler delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeTaskPaneToolSelected event.
DelegateBeforeToolbarListDropdownEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeToolbarListDropdown event.
DelegateBeforeToolDropdownEventHandler delegate for handling the BeforeToolDropdown event
DelegateBeforeToolEnterEditModeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeToolEnterEditMode event
DelegateBeforeToolExitEditModeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeToolExitEditMode event
DelegateCancelableRibbonGroupEventHandler Delegate for handling a cancelable event involving a RibbonGroup event.
DelegateCancelableRibbonTabEventHandler Delegate for handling a cancelable event involving a RibbonTab event.
DelegateCancelableToolbarEventHandler Delegate for handling events that pass in a toolbar as an argument.
DelegateCancelableToolEventHandler Delegate for handling events that pass in a tool as an argument.
DelegateGalleryToolFilterChangeEventHandler Delegate for handling the PopupGalleryTool.GalleryToolFilterChange event.
DelegateGalleryToolItemEventHandler Delegate for handling an event that involves a GalleryToolItem
DelegateQuickAccessToolbarModifiedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.QuickAccessToolbarModified event.
DelegateRibbonGroupEventHandler Delegate for handling an event involving a RibbonGroup event.
DelegateRibbonTabEventHandler Delegate for handling an event involving a RibbonTab event.
DelegateTaskPaneToolbarEventHandler Delegate for handling events that pass in an UltraTaskPaneToolbar as an argument.
DelegateTaskPaneToolResizeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.TaskPaneToolResize event.
DelegateTearawayToolbarCreatedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.TearawayToolbarCreated event.
DelegateToolbarEventHandler Delegate for handling events that pass in a toolbar as an argument.
DelegateToolbarModifiedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.ToolbarModified event.
DelegateToolClickEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.ToolClick event.
DelegateToolDropdownEventHandler delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.AfterToolDropdown and UltraToolbarsManager.AfterToolCloseup events.
DelegateToolEditErrorEventHandler Delegate for the UltraToolbarsManager.ToolEditError event
DelegateToolEventHandler Delegate for handling events that pass in a tool as an argument.
DelegateToolKeyEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.ToolKeyDown and UltraToolbarsManager.ToolKeyUp events.
DelegateToolKeyPressEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraToolbarsManager.ToolKeyPress event.
EnumerationApplicationMenu2010DisplayStyle Used to indicates the DisplayStyle of the ApplicationMenu2010 (BackStage)
EnumerationArrowUIElement.ArrowOrientation Enumerator used to specify the orientation of the arrow.
EnumerationArrowUIElement.ArrowSize Enumerator used to specify the size of the arrow.
EnumerationDockedPosition Enumerator used to specify the location of a toolbar docking area.
EnumerationDropDownArrowStyle Enumerator used to specify the style used to draw a popup tool's dropdown arrow. Also determines which part of the tool should be clicked to drop down the tool.
EnumerationEventGroups Identifies groups of UltraToolbarsManager events
EnumerationFileMenuStyle Style of file menu to be shown.
EnumerationGalleryArea Gets the area displaying items in the gallery
EnumerationGrabHandleStyle Enumerator used to specify the toolbar grab handle style.
EnumerationItemStyle Enumeration used to determine the style of items in the gallery
EnumerationLabelMenuDisplayStyle Enumeration used to determine where LabelTools are positioned on a menu.
EnumerationMdiWindowListCommandDisplayStyle Enumerator used to specify the display style for commands in the MDIWindowListTool.
EnumerationMenuAnimationStyle Enumerator used to specify the style of the menu animation.
EnumerationMenuMergeType Enumerator used to specify the type of merging that will be performed on tools located on menus.
EnumerationMiniToolbarAutoShow Enumeration indicating when to automatically show the MiniToolbar.
EnumerationMultiMonitorDropDownBehavior Enum used to specify how dropdowns should be positioned when using multiple monitors.
EnumerationNavigationButtonStyle Enumeration used to indicate how the navigation buttons are used to navigate the items in a UltraTaskPaneToolbar
EnumerationNavigationSource An enum specifying different ways that the NavigationToolbar's history can be navigated.
EnumerationNavigationToolbarButtonType Enum which represents buttons on the NavigationToolbar
EnumerationPopupStyle Enumerator used to specify the style of popup menus.
EnumerationProgressBarToolStyle Enumeration indicating the styles of the progress bar.
EnumerationPropertyIds Values that uniquely identify each control property.
EnumerationQuickAccessToolbarChangeType Enumerator used to specify the type of change made to a quick access toolbar.
EnumerationQuickAccessToolbarLocation Enumeration used to determine where the QuickAccessToolbar is positioned.
EnumerationRibbon.RibbonAccessibleObjectContext Enumeration used to provide context for creating accessible objects for parts of the ribbon.
EnumerationRibbonCustomizationType Specifies which tab on the IRibbonCustomizationProvider should be active.
EnumerationRibbonDisplayMode Represents the current state of the Ribbon.
EnumerationRibbonGroupLayoutAlignment Enumeration used to define how the items within the group are aligned with respect to the group's RibbonGroup.LayoutDirection.
EnumerationRibbonGroupToolLayoutDirection Enumeration used to define how the tools within the group are arranged.
EnumerationRibbonToolSize Enumeration used to indicate the size of the tool within the Ribbon.
EnumerationRuntimeCustomizationOptions Enumeration used to determine which customization options are available by the end user at runtime.
EnumerationSelectionDisplayStyle Enumeration used to determine how groups in a PopupGalleryTool drop down draw a selection highlight around the selected item.
EnumerationShowGalleryItemText Enumeration used to determine how the items in a PopupGalleryTool display their items
EnumerationStateButtonMenuDisplayStyle Enumerator used to specify the display style of a StateButtonTool's image when the tool appears on a menu.
EnumerationStateButtonToolbarDisplayStyle Enumerator used to specify the display style of a StateButtonTool when it is displayed on a Toolbar or Ribbon.
EnumerationTabItemAreaDisplayStyle Used to indicate how the Ribbon's Tab Item Area will be displayed.
EnumerationTaskPaneToolResizeMode Enumeration indicating how the TaskPaneTool.Control will be resized when the tool is selected or when the UltraTaskPaneToolbar is resized.
EnumerationToolbarChangeType Enumerator used to specify the type of change made to a toolbar.
EnumerationToolbarEventIds Value that uniquely identifies each UltraToolbarsManager event.
EnumerationToolbarTransitionAreas Enumeration indicating what state transitions are enabled within the UltraToolbarsManager
EnumerationToolDisplayStyle Enumerator used to specify the display style of a tool.
EnumerationToolDragAction Enumeration of the actions that can occur to a tool that was dragged.
EnumerationToolOrientation Enumeration used to determine how the tool is oriented on a toolbar.
EnumerationToolSortingPrecedence Used to indicate the sorted order of tools prior to moving a tool to a bumped toolbar
EnumerationToolTipDisplayStyle Enum for determining the style of tooltips to use for tools in the UltraToolbarsManager
EnumerationVerticalDisplayStyle Enumerator used to specify the display style of a tool when is is docked vertically, in the left or right docking area.
See Also