
Determine Which Axis is Being Scrolled or Scaled

You may encounter cases where you will need to determine which axis in your WinChart™ is being scaled or scrolled by your end users.

The ChartScrollScaleEventArgs object, which is passed into the Scrolling and Scaling events, contains the following properties (added since the 2006 Volume 3 release) which hold information about the axis being scrolled.

  • AxisNumber  — An enumeration value that identifies the axis being scrolled.

  • Axis  — An object reference to the Axis layer, which can be used for advanced operations such as mapping coordinates on the axis, or accessing key properties on the axis (e.g., Minimum and Maximum ).

The example code below demonstrates how to reference both the AxisNumber and Axis properties using the Scrolling event.


The example code below can also be used in a Scaling event handler.

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events
Private Sub UltraChart1_Scrolling(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.ChartScrollScaleEventArgs) _
  Handles UltraChart1.Scrolling
	' Outputs something like "Y_Axis visible axis range is now: 2.25 to 87.34"
	Me.txtEvents.Text += e.AxisNumber.ToString() + " visible axis range is now: " + _
	  e.Axis.WindowMinimum.ToString() + " to " + _
	  e.Axis.WindowMaximum.ToString() + _
End Sub

In C#:

using Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events;
private void ultraChart1_Scrolling(object sender, ChartScrollScaleEventArgs e)
// outputs something like "Y_Axis visible axis range is now: 2.25 to 87.34"
        Console.WriteLine(e.AxisNumber.ToString() + " visible axis range is now: " +
          e.Axis.WindowMinimum.ToString() + " to " +
          e.Axis.WindowMaximum.ToString()) + Environment.NewLine;