
Infragistics.Win.FormattedLinkLabel Namespace

ClassBlockUIElement UI element that can render text with different formatting attributes assigned to different portions of the text. This element is used by the FormattedLinkEditor.
ClassBRUIElement BRUIElement class.
ClassCaretUIElement UI element that represents caret in the formatted text editor.
ClassEditStateChangedEventArgs Event args associated with the FormattedLinkEditor.EditStateChanged event.
ClassEllipsisUIElement A ui element for displaying ellipsis character.
ClassFormattedLinkEditor Embeddable editor class for displaying formatted text. It also has support for displaying hyper-links, images and horizontal lines. It also supports editing.
ClassFormattedLinkEditor.FormattedLinkEditorUIAProviderStub UI Automation provider for the FormattedLinkEditor embeddable editor
ClassFormattedLinkEmbeddableUIElement EmbeddableUIElementBase implementation for FormattedLinkEditor editor.
ClassFormattedTextEditInfo Class that exposes edit related properties and methods. Instances of this class are valid only when the associated formatted text editor element is in edit mode.
ClassFormattedTextUIElement UI element that can render text with different formatting attributes assigned to different portions of the text. This element is used by the FormattedLinkEditor.
ClassHRUIElement UI element used by the FormattedTextUIElement for rendering a horizontal rule.
ClassImageSectionUIElement UI element used by the FormattedTextUIElement for rendering images.
ClassKeyActionMapping Key/Action mapping object for UltraGrid.
ClassKeyActionMappings Summary description for KeyActionMappings.
ClassLinkClickedEventArgs Event args associated with the FormattedLinkEditor.LinkClicked event.
ClassParsedFormattedTextValue A data strcuture that represents parsed formatted text value. This is used for specifying a value to FormattedTextUIElement object.
ClassParsedFormattedTextValue.TypeConverter TypeConverter for the ParsedFormattedTextValue structure.
ClassParseErrorEventArgs Event args associated with the FormattedLinkEditor.ParseError event.
ClassScrollableAreaUIElement ScrollableAreaUIElement class. Displays scrollbars and scrolls the client element contained inside this element.
ClassScrollableAreaUIElement.ContainerElement UIElement class that contains the client element (the element that's scrolled) of the scroll area element.
ClassSectionUIElement SectionUIElement class.
ClassStyleInfo Contains style related information.
ClassStyleInfo.DimensionInfo DimensionInfo class.
ClassStyleInfo.DimensionInfo.DimensionInfoTypeConverter DimensionInfoTypeConverter
ClassStyleInfo.FontSizeInfo FontSizeInfo class.
ClassStyleInfo.FontSizeInfo.FontSizeInfoTypeConverter FontSizeInfoTypeConverter
ClassStyleInfo.MarginsInfo MarginsInfo class.
ClassStyleInfo.MarginsInfo.MarginsInfoTypeConverter MarginsInfoTypeConverter
ClassTextSectionUIElement UI element used by the FormattedTextUIElement for rendering text.
ClassVisitedLinksCollection Collection for maintaining the list of visited links.
InterfaceISupportDialog Interface implemented by formatted text editor specific support dialogs in the Infragistics.Win.SupportDialogs assembly.
InterfaceIVisitedLinksManager Interface for specifying the UltraFormattedLinkLabel's VisitedLinksManager property. This interface is also implemented by the VisitedLinksCollection class which is also used as the default visited links manager by the UltraFormattedLinkLabel.
DelegateEditStateChangedEventHandler Delegate associated with the FormattedTextEditInfo's.EditStateChanged event.
DelegateLinkClickedEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraFormattedLinkLabel's.LinkClicked event.
DelegateParseErrorEventHandler Delegate associated with the UltraFormattedLinkLabel's.ParseError event.
EnumerationBorderSides Defaultable flagged enum for specifying border sides.
EnumerationClearFloatingElements Specifies whether to clear the floating objects and if so which ones.
EnumerationFloatType Specifies whether to float the element and if so where.
EnumerationFormattedLinkEditorAction Enumerates the possible actions that can be performed on the FormattedLinkEditor.
EnumerationFormattedLinkEditorState Bit flags that describe the state of the control.
EnumerationFormattedTextMenuItems Enum for specifying the FormattedLinkEditor.ContextMenuItems property.
EnumerationLineAlignment How to align lines.
EnumerationParsedFormattedTextValue.ValueType Enum used for specifying the type of value.
EnumerationPropertyIds Enum for identifying each property.
EnumerationTextSectionBreakMode Specifies how words are broken up into text sections.
EnumerationTextSmoothingMode Used for specifying FormattedLinkEditor.TextSmoothingMode.
EnumerationTreatValueAs Used for specifying the UltraFormattedLinkLabel's TreatValueAs property.
EnumerationUnderlineLink Used for specifying the UltraFormattedLinkLabel's UnderlineLink property.
EnumerationVerticalAlignment Specifies the vertical alignment of an inline element in relation to the line it belongs to.
See Also