
About Record Filtering

The DataPresenter controls allow your end users to filter out records in order to view a smaller subset of the original data. You can expose record filtering functionality to your end users in two different ways — a filter record or a filter icon in the field headers.


The filter record and filter icons are not available for the xamDataCarousel™ control. However, you can add filter conditions to xamDataCarousel in XAML or in procedural code to filter your data.

You can modify how the record filtering functionality is presented to your end users along with other record filtering behaviors by setting record filtering related properties exposed by the FieldLayoutSettings object and the FieldSettings object. The FieldLayoutSettings object exposes record filtering related properties that affect an entire field layout. On the other hand, the FieldSettings object exposes record filtering related properties that affect individual fields within a field layout. Before working with record filtering, you should familiarize yourself with the following properties:

FieldLayoutSettings Object

  • FilterAction - Determines the action taken when a record does not match the filter criteria.

  • FilterClearButtonLocation - If the button to clear filter conditions is visible, this property determines where the button is located. You must use this property in conjunction with the filter record.

  • FilterRecordLocation - Allows you to place and/or fix the filter record at the top or the bottom of the records. You must use this property in conjunction with the filter record.

  • FilterUIType - Determines whether the field layout uses filter records or filter icons.

  • RecordFilterScope - Determines how record filters are applied to child records. This property does not affect filtering of root-level records.

  • RecordFiltersLogicalOperator - Allows you to combine record filters in a field layout using the 'AND' or 'OR' logical operator.

  • ReevaluateFiltersOnDataChange - Determines if xamDataPresenter or xamDataGrid reevaluates filter conditions when a cell’s value changes.

  • ReevaluateFiltersOnRecordsAdded - Determines if xamDataPresenter or xamDataGrid reevaluates filter conditions when new records are added via the template add-record as well as directly to the data source.


You can use the existing DataRecord.RefreshFilters method to apply filter conditions on an added record.

FieldSettings Object


When this property is set to Visible and there is no active filter set the clear filter button will be disabled.

  • FilterEvaluationTrigger - When using the filter record, you can determine when xamDataPresenter or xamDataGrid applies an end users filter conditions.

  • FilterLabelIconDropDownType - Determines the type of DropDown control that your end users interact with to filter records when FieldLayoutSettings.FilterUIType is set to LabelIcon.

  • FilterOperandUIType - Determines the type of control that your end users interact with to filter records.

  • FilterOperatorDefaultValue - Allows you to set the default operator for the filter condition.

  • FilterOperatorDropDownItems - You can modify the list of operators that your end users can select when using the filter record.

  • FilterStringComparisonType - Determines whether filtering should be case sensitive.