
Binding xamPivotGrid to Data

Topic Overview


This topic serves as an overview of the data sources supported by the xamPivotGrid™ control.

Required background

Topic Purpose

This section serves as an introduction to the xamPivotGrid control’s key features and functionalities. The topics listed here will give you a better idea of why you would want to use xamPivotGrid in your applications.

This topic demonstrates how to get started with the xamPivotGrid™ control by providing step-by-step procedure for adding this control to a WPF application.

Binding to Data Sources

Supported data sources summary

Data sources provide access to and manipulation of data and they instruct xamPivotGrid and xamPivotDataSelector™ controls how to use the data that you want to analyze.

The xamPivotGrid control supports the following data sources:

Data source Data Source ViewModel Binding

SQL Server Analysis Server

Represents a controller for connecting and executing queries against SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) through XML for Analysis (XMLA) model provider.

SQL Server Analysis Server

Represents a controller for connecting and executing queries directly against SQL Server Analysis Services.

SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse

Represents a controller that provides a way to connect and execute queries against SAS through XMLA.

Oracle Essbase

Represents a controller that provides a way to connect and execute queries against Essbase for Oracle through XMLA.

IEnumerable data collection

Represents a controller that provides a way to use System.Collections.IEnumerable as data source to display data in the xamPivotGrid control.

Data sources summary

All data sources listed above inherit from the DataSourceBase class which implements the IOlapViewModel interface. These classes serve as a link between the actual data source (for example the server where the olap cube is stored) on one side and the xamPivotGrid on the other side. In order to use the xamPivotGrid control with your existing data you will need to use one of these ViewModels. However, if these data sources are insufficient, advanced users can create a custom view model with a data provider by implementing the IOlapViewModel interface or inheriting from the DataSourceBase class.

Binding class diagram

The following class diagram is a simplified model of how data binding works for the xamPivotGrid control.

xamPivotGrid Binding Data to the xamPivotGrid 1.png

Components for the Data Binding

There are several components that are most commonly used when binding data to the xamPivotGrid. For more details, refer to the table below.

Component Required? Description


The control that displays the data.


Represents the xamPivotDataSelector control for selecting and manipulating data displayed in the xamPivotGrid control.



Represents a view model that implements IOlapViewModel interface and controls the data through the xamPivotGrid control’s DataSource and the xamPivotDataSelector control’s DataSource properties.


As stated above this is the most common usage scenario. However there also some other cases. For example, a xamPivotDataSelector can be used together with a data source without using the xamPivotGrid to display the data.

Related Topics

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic explains how to use XmlaDataSource in the xamPivotGrid.

This topic explains how to use FlatDataSource in the xamPivotGrid.

This topic explains how to use data from an Excel spreadsheet in the xamPivotGrid.

This topic explains how to use AdomdDataSource in the xamPivotGrid.

This topic explains how to use XmlaOracleDataSource in the xamPivotGrid.

This topic explains how to use XmlaSapDataSource in the xamPivotGrid.