

WinGrid Active Cell Border Style

This new feature will enhance the UltraGridCell object to honor the Border Color on all four sides. Currently, the Border Color is applied only on one side of the cell. Also a new ActiveCellBorderThickness property has been added to the UltraGridOverride object to set the border thickness for the active Cell.

WinGrid with thick Borders surrounding the Active Cell

WinGrid Set Active Cell Border Thickness 01.png

Customizing Column Moving Indicators

You can now modify or even change the color of the arrow images (column moving indicators) that are visible when you drag and drop a column header from one visible position to another. You can even alter the direction of the arrows in the indicator if they point in different directions. Furthermore, with the new DragDropIndicatorSettings.Color property, you can customize the color of the rectangle that is displayed when you drag and drop a column header to an empty space, with WinGrid™ in RowLayout mode.

WinGrid What's New Customize Column Moving Indicators.png

Selection Overlay

When you click and drag across multiple cells in Microsoft® Excel®, a rectangular selection area is overlaid on the selected cells. The appearance of this overlay is color-washed with the underlying cells. This feature is now available in our WinGrid control through the SelectionOverlayColor and SelectionOverlayBorderColor property settings.

WinGrid Enable Selection Overlay for Selected Cells 01.png

GroupByRow Connector Appearance

When grouping UltraGridRows in OutlookGroupBy ViewStyle, the area to the left of the expanded groups is known as the GroupByRowConnector. Previously, you were able to control the appearance of this area using the GroupByRowAppearance property on the UltraGridOverride object. With this release, you can now have more precise control over the GroupBy row connectors using the new GroupByRowConnectorAppearance property of the UltraGridOverride object. Also it is now possible to set GroupByRow object’s appearance on the column level through the GroupByRowAppearance and GroupByRowConnectorAppearnace properties of the UltraGridColumn object.

WinGrid Styling Rows and Row Connectors in Outlook Group By Mode 03.png

Row Selector State-Specific Images

With this release, it is now possible to alter the default Row Selector images that appear for different states of an UltraGridRow object. The different states of a row for which the images can be customized are active row, row with pending changes, add new row, active row with pending changes and active add new row. Previously, the images for these row states could not be turned off or modified. Now you can apply custom images or even remove the default state images completely by using the RowSelectorImages property of the UltraGridLayout object.

WinGrid Styling Row Selector Images for Different States of a Row 01.png

Appearance Styling for Active Cell Row Selector and Column Header

Two new Appearance properties have been added that provides the ability to modify appearance styling of the UltraGridRow object’s row selector and ultraGridColumn header, for the active UltraGridcell . The two new properties, ActiveCellRowSelectorAppearance and ActiveCellColumnHeaderAppearance has been added to the Override object off of UltraGrid as well as off of each Band.

Active and Selected Cell Appearances

The new DefaultSelectedBackColor and DefaultSelectedForeColor properties provide a way to disable the display of default colors for active selected cells. Previously it was possible to change the ForeColor and BackColor using the SelectedRowAppearance property on theUltraGridOverride object, but there was no way to not have a color applied to the selected row/cell.

An ActiveAppearance property has been exposed on the UltraGridCell object which can be set whenever the cell is considered in its active state. The UltraGridCell object’s Appearance property can be used to set the active cell’s appearance. However if the UltraGridOverride object’s ActiveRowAppearance is set, it overrides the appearance settings for a cell set by the Appearance property. Hence a more exclusive ActiveAppearance property has been added for this release.

Also two new properties, ActiveAppearancesEnabled and SelectedAppearancesEnabled has been added to the UltraGridOverride object, which provides a way to disable cells from displaying active and selected state specific appearances.

Filtering support for IDataErrorInfo Implementation

The WinGrid™ now supports filtering based on whether cells in the column have an error, determined by the IDataErrorInfo implementation of the underlying data source. A new property called FilterOperandDropDownItems has been added to the UltraGridColumn and Override objects. This property can be assigned to an enum that indicates which operands should be shown in the Filter drop down menu. The various flagged options are All, Blanks, CellValues, Custom, ShowNone, Default, Errors, NonBlanks, NonErrors, ShowAll.