
What’s New in 2015 Volume 2

Topic Overview


This topic provides detailed instruction on the controls and new and enhanced features for Infragistics® Windows Forms® 2015 Volume 2 release.


Major and Minor Axis Intervals

The DataChartView’s now supports both Major and Minor intervals which are displayed perpendicular to its axes .

The following screenshot displays a major interval on the NumericYAxis, using major interval value of 10, with a green stroke; and a minor interval on the NumericYAxis, using minor interval value of 2.5, with a red stroke.

DataChart Configuring Major and Minor Intervals 1.png

Saving the Chart

This topic describes how to use the SaveTo method of the element to save an image of the UltraDataChart

Scale Legend

This topic describes how to use the Scale Legend for the UltraDataChart

Bubble Series

This topic explains how to use the Bubble Series in the UltraDataChart

Polar Series

This topic explains the common properties for the Polar Series in the UltraDataChart

Radial Series

This topic explains the common properties for the Radial Series in the UltraDataChart

Numeric Angle Axis

This topic demonstrates how to use the Numeric Angle Axis in the UltraDataChart

Category Angle Axis

This topic demonstrates how to use the Category Angle Axis in the UltraDataChart

Numeric Radius Axis

This topic describes how to use the Numeric Radious Axis in the UltraDataChart

Touch Gesture Support

This topic describes how to use the Numeric Radious Axis in the UltraDataChart

Annotation Layer

This topic provides conceptural information about the annotations andhover interactions available on the UltraDataChart

Category Tooltip Layer

This topic provides information about the category tooltip layer used for hover interactions available on the DataChart

Item Tooltip Layer

This topic provides information about the item tooltip layer used for hover interactions available on the DataChart

Crosshair Layer

This topic provides information about the crosshair layer used for hover interactions available on the DataChart

Category Highlight Layer

This topic provides information about the category highlight layer used for hover interactions available on the DataChart

Category Item Highlight Layer

This topic provides information about the category item highlight layer used for hover interactions available on the DataChart

Value Overlay

This topic introduces the Value Overlay feature of the DataChart

FormattedTextEditor & FormattedLinkLabel

Using Subscript and Superscript

This topic provides a conceptual overview of how to use subscript and superscript formatting in the FormattedTextEditor or FormattedLinkLabel controls.


StartPosition and StartLocation

This topic demonstrates the usage of the StartPosition and StartLocation properties for the UltraMessageBoxInfo control.


New Summary Properties

This topic demonstrates the usage of the MinSummaryRowHeight and DefaultSummaryRowHeight properties of the UltraGrid.


Notification Badge

This topic demonstrates the usage of the new NotificationBadges feature for the UltraToolbarsManager


FlatDataSource DataAdapters

This topic describes how to use the FlatDataSource Data Adapters to bind to the WinPivotGrid

SpreadSheet (CTP)

New Control

The Spreadsheet control allows visualizing and editing of spreadsheet data, represented by the data model supported by the Infragistics Excel Engine. The following screenshot shows the Spreadsheet control displaying some spreadsheet data:

Spreadsheet CTP What'sNew.png