
Programmatically Add or Remove Thumbs at Runtime

You can display thumbs on the xamSlider™ control to your end user, for more information see the xamSlider Thumbs topics. However, you can also allow your end users to add thumbs by clicking on the track or remove thumbs by selecting a thumb and deleting it by clicking a delete button as shown in this topic.

Programmatically adding and removing thumbs at runtime is achieved by adding or removing the thumbs to or from the slider’s Thumbs collection.

The following code demonstrates how to achieve this and assumes the following:

  • You have a xamNumericRangeSlider control on your page with the TrackClick event set up

  • You have a Button control on your page with the Click event set up

In Visual Basic:

' When your end user clicks on the track, a new thumb will be added at that location.
Private Sub xamNumericRangeSlider_TrackClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As TrackClickEventArgs(Of System.Double))
   ' When your end user clicks on the track, a new thumb will be added at that location.
   ' Define new thumb
   Dim thumb As xamSliderNumericThumb = New xamSliderNumericThumb
   'Set the thumb's value to the area where your end user clicked
   thumb.Value = e.Value
   'Add to the Slider's Thumbs collection
   ' Set the thumb to be active
   Me.xamNumericRangeSlider1.ActiveThumb = thumb
End Sub
' When your end user clicks on the Button, the current active thumb will be deleted
Private Sub Button_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
   ' Ensure there is an active thumb
   If (Not (Me.xamNumericRangeSlider1.ActiveThumb) Is Nothing) Then
      ' Remove the active thumb from the Slider's Thumbs collection
   End If
End Sub

In C#:

// When your end user clicks on the track, a new thumb will be added at that location.
void xamNumericSlider_TrackClick(object sender, TrackClickEventArgs<double> e)
   // Define new thumb
   xamSliderNumericThumb thumb = new xamSliderNumericThumb();
   // Set the thumb's value to the area where your end user clicked
   thumb.Value = e.Value;
   // Add to the Slider's Thumbs collection
   // Set the thumb to be active
   this.xamNumericRangeSlider1.ActiveThumb = thumb;
// When your end user clicks on the Button, the current active thumb will be deleted
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
   // Ensure there is an active thumb
   if (this.xamNumericRangeSlider1.ActiveThumb != null)
      // Remove the active thumb from the Slider's Thumbs collection