WPF Bullet Graph
Deliver a simple and concise view of key performance indicators (KPI) that presents progress towards goals and good/better/best ranges in a minimal horizontal or vertical space.
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WPF Linear Gauge
Make data visualizations and dashboards more engaging with a Linear Gauge that shows off KPIs with rich style and interactivity. The gauges are powerful, easy to use, and highly configurable to present dashboards. The Linear Gauge will ultimately replace a previously released version of the xamLinearGauge, and is compatible with the Ignite UI (jQuery/HTML5) and NucliOS (for native iOS) versions of the Linear Gauge, offering visual and functional parity on multiple platforms.
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WPF Radial Gauge
Radial Gauge makes your data visualizations and dashboards more engaging and shows off KPIs with rich style and interactivity. The gauges are powerful, easy to use, and configurable to present dashboards capable of displaying clocks, industrial panels, automotive dashboards, and aircraft cockpits. Radial Gauge replaces a previously-released version of the xamRadialGauge, is compatible with Ignite UI (jQuery/HTML5) and NucliOS (for native iOS) versions of the Radial Gauge, and offers visual and functional parity on multiple platforms.
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